
My Weekly Food Prep Plan: Salad Addition

I have been super MIA these pasts 2 weeks because I recently started a new full time and part time job at the same time.   Even though I’m enjoying both of my new jobs, I’ve been too busy to do anything else.  Once I finally got a day off from my part time job, I decided to restock on my food for the week so off to the grocery store I went!!!

My grocery list for the week:

Crab meat

Chicken Strips

Steak Strips

Boiled eggs

Pre cut lettuce

1 onion

1 bell pepper

Cherry tomatoes


Salad Dressing


I like to take a small handfull of meat and place it in sandwich bags.  My meat of choice this week was chicken, steak, and crab.  I tried something new with my packaging this week and decided to place 1 boiled egg into a meat bag.  This prevented me from using additional bags.


I cut up all the vegetables than wash them separately.  I layered them into a mason jar by placing the hardest vegetables at the bottom and the softer vegetable at the top.


I placed 2 tbsp of salad dressing (actually I used a little bit more than 2 tbsp lol, I love extra dressing) into a small container.  My dressing of choice this week was a thousand island, balsamic vinaigrette, and garlic ranch.


Mason Jar

Sandwich Bags

Small containers




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